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The KIR-1A/TSEC system is the communications security (COMSEC) component of the MARK XII IFF system. Specifically, it provides the cryptographic security necessary for operating in Mode 4. It is not used to operate in Modes 1, 2, or 3/A. The TSEC/K1-1A system consists of the AKAK 3662 code key list (AKAK), the KIK-18A/T SEC code changer key (KIK), and the KIR-1A\TSEC interrogator computer (KIR).

KIR-1A/TSEC encodes Mode 4 I.F.F. challenges for transmission by the interrogator. It also decodes the received Mode 4 transponder replies. The code changer key, TSEC/KIK-18, inserts the Mode 4 code into the computer. (Photo source - Navy Advancement page).